Friday, July 18, 2014

Fix is in.

Here is the gist of VIBGYOR incident as coming from persons in authority.

 First of all, it didn't happen at the school. And if it did it was not the school staff, and even if it were, you have already signed a form absolving the school of any responsibility in case of any such incident happening to your ward (don't you as a parent or member of society at large appreciate such professionalism from your kid's school – we take care of all eventuality – including utterly despicable crime against your kids!).

All standard tools being applied here (deny, obfuscate, mislead, delay) not to mention meaningless rhetoric ("If somebody is found guilty of raping, let him be hanged").

All right sir, nothing to see here, Professionals are handling it. Now move along. The school is doing fine, thank you very much.

The fix is in.